Saturday, November 26, 2011


Not everyone owns a computer and most with computer outside of the U.S. don't have internet access.

1) I don't think buying everyone a computer and providing internet access to everyone for free will be a reality anytime soon however, this project is asking for people with internet usage to try and at least involve themselves with a game from the Institute For The Future. All the games by the IFTF are free, contain multiple chat rooms/ story boards, blogs, and other sister websites for each individual game created. 

2) How are some way to promote these games?
~~My Solution~~

1) I play online games constantly and instead of playing World of Warcraft I could swap it to play EVOKE, a simple expression of my interest for saving the world by the click of a button. Couldn't you do the same? 

It may seem like a boring idea to just hear about these games, I mean does someone really want to just play a game that will help conserve oil, or figure out alternative sources for energy? Not really was my answer to begin with but I at least gave the games a shot. I decided to play EVOKE because it seemed cool with a comic book story line (which was what drew my attention), but all the games are actually quite interesting. I strongly advise that everyone play EVOKE if looking into the humanitarian games. 

2) People can promote these games by liking them on Facebook, blogging about them, tweeting the link, subscribing to their youtube channel, sharing them with your friends, or writing reviews on various feedback websites. All very easy tasks that could create a big impact that in this case seems inevitable since many people use the internet.

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